Cold Krush Blog / toy-soldiers
Featuring Wutang inspired art works by STORE and KEAS!
More details here on the Adelaide Fringe site..'BRING DA RUCKUS' is a collaborative visual arts experience created by Adelaide artists, STORE and KEAS. It includes works that pay homage to the hip hop group WU TANG CLAN, who have impacted the duos art and ideology. This is the first of a series of exhibitions that will feature at Cold Krush as part of 'REVOLVE'.
STORE has been an integral part of the Adelaide graffiti/art scene over the years and is a founding member of the prolific art crew TOY SOLDIERS. As a qualified youth worker he has worked with numerous youth to develop their artistic talent, their entrepreneurial skills and how to use creativity to help resolve their life issues.
KEAS met STORE at an aerosol art course 3 years ago and has been under his guidance ever since. This experience has helped him grow into an outstanding young person and talented artist in his own right. Currently 17yrs, he is on his way to establishing himself as a professional artist. He is also studying youth work and intends to carry on the artist/mentor tradition STORE has created within South Australia’s street art scene.
See more of STORE'S work at
Find out about 'REVOLVE' at
Posted 20 January 2015
Exhibitions, General News
Tags: street art, wutang, Adelaide Fringe Festival 2015, keas, exhibition, hip hopgraffiti, toy soldiers, store