Cold Krush Blog / graffiti


SPACE GALLERY presents...

The DEB 2016 CALENDAR has launched in many cities, so far it has been toured in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Sydney, Melbourne, (with a few more cities still to go).... and now it launches in ADELAIDE! It's all happening this FRIDAY. Calendars are $25 each and DEB will be there to personally sign them.

When: Friday 15th of JANUARY, 6 - 9 PM. 
Where: The Space Gallery, Burnett Street, Adelaide



Posted 11 January 2016 in:  General News
Tags:  graffiti, street art, adelaide, spray paint, exhibition, Deb, the space, launch


Get cosy with these bad boys!!

The good people at RAWINC have released these unique spray can shaped cushions. Every graffiti / street art fan should grab one of these before they're gone. We're lucky enough to have a few designs on offer but be quick as they guys move quick! 

Available in store or online!

Check them out in our online store..

Check them out in our online store..

Aerosol Art Workshop

School Holiday Workshop

School Holiday Aerosol Art Workshops are happening again!
If you're interested in learning the ins and out of aerosol art contact us to secure your booking.
When: 10am - 12pm Saturday 30th January, 2016
Where: 109 Unley Road, Unley, SA
P: 82717711 
E: [email protected]

Graffiti Bedroom Murals

Recent interior bedroom graffiti mural by our in house artist, Grots.

Get in touch with us if you need some colour added to your house!


A Can In The Hand

Extremely limited, single colour, hand pulled screen prints are now up in the online store

Editions of 10, each colour

Tarns artwork available here!

Tarns artwork available here!

Posted 10 March 2015 in:  Artwork, General News
Tags:  Tarns, graffiti, prints

The Loose Caboose Cafe

Artwork by Tarns One

In house artist - Tarns, was recently commissioned by The Loose Caboose Cafe in Bowden to create this unique abstract aerosol and acrylic art work.

Adelaide International Guitar Festival

Artists: Tarns, Jumble, Orbs

This piece was commissioned by the Adelaide Festival Centre for their International Guitar Festival back in 2008.

By Adelaide's Nasty Artists - Tarns, Jumble and Orbs.

Posted 16 January 2015 in:  Commissions
Tags:  graffiti, street art, tarns, artwork, mural, nasty artists, orbs, jumble, commission

Krink Molotow Montana Cans Spanish Montana

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