School Holiday Workshops

School Holiday Aerosol Art Workshops!

We will be running a 2 hour intensive Aerosol Art Workshop on Saturday 11th July.
Workshop will run from 10am - 12pm with in house tutor - 'Grots' on hand to lend his expertise in the field.

Contact our friendly staff on 82717711 or email [email protected] to register your interest.

Bookings are essential!

City Of Playford Aerosol Art Workshops


Are you between 16 – 25 years and live in the City of Playford?

Cold Krush Store/Gallery's, Grots and Tarns are coming out to hold a free Aerosol Art Workshop, to develop your skills and share their techniques. Not only do you get to freshen your skills with two amazing artists, you get to keep your artwork!

Where and when:

Wednesday 3 June from 4.30-6.30pm. Sign in is at 4pm
Elizabeth Grove Soccer Club Clubrooms, Dauntsey Reserve (the reserve near TAFE SA Elizabeth) on the Corner of Dauntsey Road and Woodford Road, Elizabeth

Bookings are essential as places are limited, so get your expression of interest application in before 5pm Friday 22 May.

To apply, head to:

TARNS instagram: tarns87
GROTS instagram: ggrroott

More details here at CITY OF PLAYFORD Facebook

More details here at CITY OF PLAYFORD Facebook

Posted 19 May 2015 in:  General News
Tags:  Graffiti Art, Tarns, Aerosol Art, Grots, Workshops

‘GROTS’ Solo Exhibition - Opening Night.


The opening of Grot's first solo exhibition was on Friday night, it was a fantastic night had by all.. It was great to see all those lovely familiar faces, all the new faces coming through Cold Krush and to top it off, the live piece thrown on the back wall by the man himself 'GROTS'.

A massive 'thanks' on behalf of the Team at Cold Krush to all those who made it to the opening night and showing your support. It was fantastic to see such a huge crowd!.. For those who didn't make it, the show will still be up for another 2 weeks so be sure to pop in and check it out.

Here are some pictures taken throughout the night..

GROTS F1 hits Cold Krush..

Grots comin through with the FUNK!

GROTS, F1 came through recently to add some flavour to our back wall, first he was good enough to drop a mad thowie for Elle from Channel Seven News...Check out the Seven News Report..

Stay up with the world of Grots on instagram @ggrotss 

Krink Molotow Montana Cans Spanish Montana

Cold Krush Store/Gallery

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